Hello all,
I have recently bought the E-book of R.C Sproul's "Choosen by God", and I have read the first two chapters ("The Struggle" and "Predestination and the Sovereignty of God"). Now, while I did find the things written there to be useful reminders of things (and one can really hear...
book reviews
chosen by god
experiential religion
experimental calvinism
holiness of god
rc sproul
sproul and gerstner
the doctrines of grace
The Medieval Peter Lombard (†1160) was the fountainhead of systematic theology in the Church’s Western tradition. His Four Books of Sentences, or theological judgments, has likely been the most influential book of theology ever.
Through the 1500’s throughout Europe, to gain a doctorate one had...
church fathers
early church fathers
gregory of rimini
john duns scotus
lambert daneau
martin luther
medieval church
middle ages
systematic theologies
systematic theology
“The Decision of Dordt: ONE TRUTH,” is a composition arranged and created by Dr. Matthew McMahon. This unique musical work utilizes a diverse array of musical genres, including rap, pop, country, techno, heavy metal, and others, to teach the content of the Canons of the Synod of Dordt, later to...
Where did the Reformed in her classical era agree and disagree with Aquinas?
In light of the surge of Protestant interest in Aquinas, this new webpage with an Intro is a large reference list, going through the whole gamut of theology, juxtaposing Aquinas with Reformed Orthodox theologians on...
church history
historical theology
post-reformation church hisory
reception of aquinas
reformed beliefs
reformed orthodoxy
reformed theology
reformed thomism
roman catholicism
theological method
thomas aquinas
Man Created With Original Righteousness.
1. The law was not above his strength. Had the law been impossible to be observed, no crime could have been imputed to the subject, the fault had lain wholly upon the governor; the non-observance of it had been from a want of strength, and not from a want...
Samuel Rutherford
The Due Right of Presbytery (1644)
Ch. 4, sect. 5, q. 3, pp. 221-232
Another foundation can no man lay, than that which is laid, Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 3:11). Hence Jesus Christ is the foundation of faith real or personal, and the knowledge of Christ is the dogmatical...
One of the greatest challenges that the contemporary church faces lies within its own doors. In the past few years, differences of opinion over political and cultural issues have polarized once-peaceful congregations. Like wildfires, these controversies have begun with a spark and have rapidly...
Abraham Lincoln is popularly quoted as having said, “Give me six hours to cut down a tree and I will use four to sharpen my axe.” His words tell us as much about using the right tool for the right job as they do about the need to thoroughly prepare for the job we have been called to. The New...
What comes to mind when you hear about Christian liberty? Perhaps drinking or smoking, or how we use our free time and recreation? Or is it that there are simply some things that you believe Scripture does not speak to, making them “indifferent” and allowing a diverse range of opinions among...
What impact would it have had on the church in our late-modern, scientific day and age if the author(s) of the Apostles’ Creed had included a statement about the reality of angelic activity and spiritual warfare in the Christian life? I envision such a statement as reading like this: “I believe...
The danger of losing “the faith” took priority in Jude’s mind over a devotional treatise about salvation. It was therefore essential that those who were recasting the faith were to be identified and confronted and for their errors to be refuted (Jude 4, 10, 12, 16, 19). The Apostles Paul and...
Aurelius Augustinus, known by us as Augustine of Hippo, was born in AD 354 in a small town in North Africa. His father was a lifelong pagan who was baptized on his deathbed, and his mother was a devout Christian who prayed without ceasing for her wayward son. In time, this child from North...
Augustine’s life, ministry, and theology give us much that is faithful and helpful. Many of his writings, such as The Confessions and The City of God, stand as great classics of Christian literature and theology. B.B. Warfield relates that Augustine “has been strikingly called incomparably the...
Augustine of Hippo was the most prolific and influential theologian of the early church. As to volume, the selection of his works included in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers series comes to eight chunky double-columned volumes. “On the shelves” of Augustine’s own library, Peter Brown notes...
Hey there brethren!
Do any of you guys know of an Old Testament theology book that is not structured in a canonical, but instead topical way (similar to Donald Guthrie‘s New Testament theology)?
God bless and greetings from Austria,
[And] to the spirit of man which Thou hast Formed in the world, [Thou hast Given dominion over the works of Thy Hands] for Everlasting days and unending generations….in their ages Thou hast Allotted to them tasks during their generations, and Judgment in their appointed seasons...
NEWS RELEASE/Interview Opportunity
For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Grant Van Leuven
Community Engagement Coordinator
[email protected] | 800-956-2644, ext. 27
The Bold North Conference on Reformed Theology to Host “Worship: On Earth as It Is in...
I've been trying to put together a list of books (outside of Scripture) that I want to ensure I return to multiple times throughout life, so as to really absorb their ideas. Reading broadly is great; but it seems to me that reading a few really good books repeatedly, so as to fully absorb their...
(I posted this in "General Discussions" because it is not a full book review, nor is it a theological discussion or question.)
Dr. Wayne Grudem's second edition of his famous and widely-acclaimed Systematic Theology was released December 8, 2020. I pre-ordered the volume in Logos, looking...
Grace and Peace, PB!
My wife and I were chatting on the phone tonight (I am currently deployed overseas) and she informed me that my mother-in-law is searching for some resources to help her get a better "cohesive" picture of the Old Testament. She is no stranger to God's word, but I do not...
What is necessary truth in relationship to the Gospel? Byfield explains what central truths surround the Gospel in an easy to understand format. Great for family worship!
Christian Truths Necessary for Salvation by Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622) (250 pages)
Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622) was a...
christian devotional
covenant theology
depravity of man
divine love
doctrine of scripture
doctrines of grace
election and decrees
election and reprobation
experimental christianity
justification by faith
providence of god
systematic theologytheology
At first glance, this question may come across as a no brainier, but I think its still worth asking. Do you need to have undertaken 5 to 7+ years of theological higher education to begin a career as a lecturer at seminary/university? With the rising costs of theological education, and with there...
Does anybody know of good universities/institutions to study theology abroad, in places like Europe? Places where they believe in the authority of the Scriptures where you can get a solid Christian education? Thanks in advance!
Good evening everyone. I've been doing research about different seminaries and their benefits. The North American Reformed Seminary has come up in multiple discussions, with relatively good opinions all around. My question is about their Affiliate status. Why are they affiliated with ARTS but...
Zipped archive contains over ninety systematic theology class notes (PDF) from classes given at First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC over a period of two years.
What podcasts do y'all recommend? I'm mostly looking for things in the realm of theology, cultural commentary, philosophy, apologetics, etc.
If you have one outside of this wheelhouse, I'm good to hear that, too.
This question has nothing to do with being for or against vaccines from a health standpoint. This is an exercise in applying Theology to modern issues. In other words its a moral question. Here it goes....
I researched ingredients to common vaccines like the Measles. An ingredient called WI-38...
5 Marks of a Biblical Disciple by C. Matthew McMahon
A biblical disciple is not merely aware of the teachings of Jesus Christ, or God’s prescription for being a follower of his word. It is one who holds certain distinguishable marks who has been supernaturally changed by God’s grace, and...
What is theology? Can we meaningfully speak of God? What method ought one to go about in learning or setting forth all of theology? How do faith and reason relate?
These are the sorts of questions that Prolegomena (before-speaking) asks and answers. On every front modern theology (and much of...