Sposa son disprezzata

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Puritan Board Junior
Thankfully the title is not autobiographical, but the name of my favorite of all the pieces I have heard Cecilia Bartoli sing, which admittedly aren't anything close to comprehensive. It was also the first classical vocal piece which turned me onto the genre. I was in high school and somehow this ended up on my iTunes playlist---I couldn't stop listening. It's amazing how much control she maintains over her voice while singing pianissimo, though you also hear how she can project!

There are some people I like as well, but I don't think there's anyone I like better; she is inimitable.

After much searching I found a video that seems worthy of posting in response:

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And here is something completely different, combined with one of the most amazing sartorial choices of the last century.


Still a joy to listen to, in spite of the alarming green cape.
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