remembering what you read

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Now that I have time during the summer, my goal has been to read/study 8 hours a day, but I always seem to fall short because I cannot retain it all.

How many major studies do you do at one time? Studying one doctrine all day can be a bit of an overload. Reading on two different subjects seems to be very helpful because my mind gets a rest from the other. After I can't digest anymore I find some interesting articles or come on PB.

How many books do you read at once? How do you retain your information?

I try not to read more than one or two books. Honestly at the end of the day I'd rather plow through a single book, or several books on the same topic. Writing notes helps me to retain information.

[Edited on 5-26-2004 by Ianterrell]
Oh yeah, and I have a real hard time commiting to read a book online. I like to be able to get comfortable with my book.

I know some people who are the complete opposite though.
For me outlining or note taking is essential. If that is not possible, then highlighting or pencil marking is a decent alternative.
I usually read 2-3 books or subjects at a time. I like to outline and take notes allowing for future reference. I find it very helpful if I talk about what I learned or verbally outline the book to someone. If a book is good I will read it 2-3 times, then if possible try to find another author and get a comparison on the same subject. Like sports or just about any skill, the more I read (practice) the more efficient I become. This may seem obvious but I retain information and enjoy a higher level of comprehension by writing, speaking and reading about a topic. I only say this because most people I know neglect the writing and speaking element intentionally. I hear excuses "I dont have time" or "Its too much effort". hear ends my :wr50:

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