Leonard Coppes, anyone? anyone?

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Puritan Board Junior
I just got 32 lectures by Leonard Coppes on Biblical Theology, anyone know who that is or anything about him.
I just got 32 lectures by Leonard Coppes on Biblical Theology, anyone know who that is or anything about him.

I know him personally. Had dinner at his house a couple of times and have vistied his church. He is pastor of Providence OPC in Denver CO. A very nice man and very scholarly. He was on the translating team for the NKJV bible. He was originally a baptist and went to a baptist college until he bacame thuroughly reformed. I was a Baptist myself when I first met him. He gave me his book on baptism "The Baptism Debate"...I read it, I became a Presbyterian and Paedo after that. He is perty involved in the OPC at large, and is usually on a comittee or two, I think the most recent one was the one on the directory for public worship.
He is A-mill (he is very anti post mill)...He is thenomic (but not a big time big T Theonomist..though he recomends Rushdoony and Bahnsen)....He is a EJ Young man, he follows in that line.

His lectures should be of great value to you.
I knew him and his children growing up, and heard him preach years ago. I'm not familiar with his writings, but from all acounts (my father knows him better than I do) he is a very faithful OPC pastor and an excellent scholar. And, one of his sons is an incredibly gifted pianist, so there you go!
He is very helpful on the sacraments especially. His works against paedocommunion are very good, and his critique of mandatory weekly communion is very helpful.
He is the father of my sister-in-law. I seem to remember that he had some good material arguing against paedo communion.
In his lectures on Biblical Theology he refers to the book by Gustav Oehler, "Theology of the Old Testament," this appears to be hard to get, is it worth getting or is Vos and Witsius good enough or better?
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