Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by MacCulloch

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Puritan Board Junior
Has anyone read the book or his other work entitled The Reformation?

I will not post the cover due to a violation of the Second Commandment.
I guess no one here has read it.

I've read The Reformation: A History, by Diarmaid MacCulloch, and enjoyed it. In fact I read it right when it came out. What would you like to know about it? At first I questioned why you were concerned about violating the second, because the cover of The Reformation did not have a picture of Christ. I see your refering to MacCulloch new book, which I have not read yet. To many items to read that are of a higher priority right now.
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MacCulloch is a very intelligent academic and worth your while. He loves the good old church of England, but he is not born again and is openly homosexual. He has no sympathy with evangelicalism.
I've read his first book and is busy with second. I haven't yet finished, so I would like to comment a bit later about the last. Maybe just one thing, we need to take the author of these books seriously. Like Bart Ehrman he seems not to be a Christian, but do see himself as a friend of Christianity. He will probably not challenges the basics of Christianity in the way that Ehrman does.
I agree with Jonathan. I haven't read the book but I watched the dvd series. The information was good, but the comments that he made throughout the series were off, in my opinion. I didn't understand why until on the very last dvd he proclaimed that he was "only a friend of Christianity" and that he was homosexual; that definitely put his comments and opinions into perspective.
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Thank you all for your responses. It sounds like reading his books could be somewhat profitable.
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