Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch

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Puritan Board Freshman
Anybody familiar with this book or have read anything by this author. He has a book on the reformation as well. He is and Anglican author. I skimmed through it at a bookstore. Many pages, lots of info. It got 5 stars on with 51 reviews. Thanks

Hello Brian

Diarmaid McCulloch sees himself as a "friend of Christianity." He never got ordained as a priest in the Anglican Church because of his sexual orientation, which he himself says has probably brought him to the point where he is currently in his life.

I find him to be an honest church historian for most part. The book starts of with the Greek philosophers and their part in the "making of Christianity." It was only when I started reading the Church Fathers, that I came to agree that there should be a place for the Greek philosophers within a history of Christianity. I think that he also brings the story of the Eastern Churches into play, in this history, which makes it quite comprehensive. Actually that is the strength of the book, it doesn't only relate the story of Western Christianity, but that of the Eastern and Semitic Churches.

Obviously he is writing from a modernistic point of view. So don't think that he will recognise any miracles of Jesus. He sometimes makes a few weird remarks that, if you think about it, has no substance.

However, this is probably the best current church history on your shelf. Just stay clear of the few pitfalls in the book mentioned above and the book will be of tremendous benefit.

Kind regards
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