Best Resources on the 3 Forms of Unity

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Puritan Board Freshman
I was wondering what is the best books with the 3 Forms of Unity with scriptural references.........
Your title is not very descriptive. Rather than this thread title:

3 Forms of Unity !!!!!

I've changed it to:

Best Resources on the 3 Forms of Unity
This may help (the above Amazon book does not have a Scripture reference, despite the blurb saying it does), or one in printable booklet form:


  • Scrip Index 3FU 1-11.pdf
    953.7 KB · Views: 7
  • Scripture Index 3FU booklet.pdf
    927.3 KB · Views: 7
This version has Scripture references for all of the Forms, as well as a table showing the connections between the three documents, and a summary of the Belgic Confession that lists the Scripture references for each affirmation.

In terms of the Heidelberg Catechism VanderGroe's work "The Christian's only comfort in life and death" is one of my favourite expositions of this catechism.

Here is Joel Beeke's warm recommendation on the book:

In terms of the Heidelberg Catechism VanderGroe's work "The Christian's only comfort in life and death" is one of my favourite expositions of this catechism.

Here is Joel Beeke's warm recommendation on the book:

I got it in the recent RHB ebook sale.. time to get started I think.
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