Resources on the Necessity of Joining the Visible Church

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N. Eshelman

Puritan Board Senior
What do you recommend for the necessity of joining yourself with a local church?
We live in an individualistic age and to many people (that I come into contact with), the idea of joining the church is outdated.

What books, articles, mp3s, videos, etc. have you all found to be helpful?

Always thankful!
The Church of God as an Essential Element of the Gospel by Stuart Robinson.

Available on the OPC Publications page for only $10 (free shipping).

I'm recommending this book because, as a former fundamentalist, I once lacked a biblical understanding of Ecclesiology; this book helped me to understand the role of the visible church in God's eternal plan of salvation.
P.S. I had been a member of the visible church ever since I was a child but, in the past, I often questioned whether it was necessary at all.
Nathan, in the Soli Deo Gloria paperback from awhile back entitled "Onward, Christian Soldiers: Protestants Affirm the Church," there's a chapter called "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" which is on the importance and necessity of church membership. I thought it was pretty good.
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