A new Historical Theology?

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Puritan Board Junior
Hi there,

Can anyone tell me if there has been a one volume historical theology released recently? I'm afraid I don't have any other information to go on. I heard that there had been one released relatively recently. The person who mentioned it said it was around £35/$50-55 (if that helps).

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
Greetings Alexander,

Two fairly recent 1-vol. possibilities come to mind:

1. Gerald Bray's God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology, available at http://www.amazon.com/God-Has-Spoke...=8-2&keywords=Gerald+bray+historical+theology


2. Gregg Allison's Historical Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine, available at http://www.amazon.com/Historical-Th...-1&keywords=Gregg+Allison+historical+theology.

It may be helpful to note that Dr. Allison's HT is intended to serve as a companion volume to Wayne Grudem's ST.

Thanks, it was the Bray volume the person had been referring to. Have you read it yourself? I've read his "Doctrine of God" book in the IVP Contours series: it was alright, barely any Scripture references though; very philosophical. But still interesting.

I'm surprised Grudem's lot would be interested in historical theology.
Hi Andrew,

I've not read Bray's HT. I'd like to purchase it one day, but have to save up for it.

I read his God is Love and found it edifying. He reasons almost entirely from Scripture (ie, he doesn't really reference HT much, for a volume of theology). It was good for my soul to see the sufficiency of Scripture modeled in that book.

Allison's HT is geared more toward supplementing Grudem (as I understand it). He teaches at SBTS. I'm not sure what constitutes being in "Grudem's lot." :)
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