Who advocates inclusivism?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Wow! You learn something new everyday. I just read an article on monergism entitled "Is Belief in Jesus Necessary?" I did not know that there was anyone significant out there who felt that men could be saved apart from gospel revelation, other than the group (Primitive Baptist) that I was part of many years ago.

Who holds to this belief today? Anyone significant? How widespread is it?

Thank you.
To start with, Clark Pinnock, John Sanders, and many modern Open Theists. Also, a great swathe of mainline liberalism.
Speaking of open theism, here's a strange message by an open theist entitled Defending God's Honor | Bob Enyart Live - I think this is on topic with the op.

Truly bizarre, and I don't see it as a God honoring viewpoint. I wish I had the source, I don't anymore, but some out-there open theists hold to a vague after death evangelism that can lead to salvation (I don't believe this is typical) - don't ask me how that works. If you decide to read any of the open theist forums I'm sure you'll read a lot that sounds a trifle strange, at least it should :)
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