What to do with your books?

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The question of what to do with them probably hinges somewhat on how much room you have for books to begin with. If your available space is limited, you necessarily have to be more selective.

I was converted later in life and never had a charismatic phase or any other really aberrant phase. I did however throw away some books that were heretical and blatantly non-Christian that I had sort of looked to prior to my conversion. I've held on to at least one Dave Hunt book, which was instrumental in my conversion from a new agey mushy mysticism that rejected the accuracy of the Bible's teaching on the Deity of Christ and other issues. I'll never get rid of that book short of flood or fire. Although I haven't looked at it in years, despite the author's flaws (which are admitted even by many Arminians,) it also remains somewhat helpful as a catalog of errors of almost every sort in the "evangelical" world WRT ecumenism, psychology, new age and cultish views, etc.

Well, if anyone has books they just have to throw away or burn, please send me (or post) a list so I can have an opportunity to claim some of them for informational purposes, etc. :D I've picked up a number of books from Goodwill for those purposes in recent years.
What do you guys do with the books that you disagree with?

Read them. I often find that theologians I disagree with nonetheless have useful things to say and may see part of the picture that I don't. If I can justify keeping Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud on my shelf, then Barth, Chesterton, Lewis, and the like can stay.

I've never met a theologian with whom I agree 100%.
I keep them on a seperate shelf. They are good for teaching against. Calvin had great insight of the errors of the ECF and how would he if he simply burnt them?
The NIV Study Bible is so bad it needs to be burned? Is it unorthodox or just non-reformed? Perhaps you could put it on Craigslist to see if someone might have use for it.
I still own every book I've ever bought; My discernment is honed enough to sort truth from error.

Although I do have some old Doonesbury books that I should chuck because they promote hippyism... ;)
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