State Flowers..

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Did not think, so...
My flower knowledge could fit on a daim, but even I could see that.
Thanks for claryfying:)
Very pretty!

But I did notice one error... I happen to know for a fact that West Virginia's state flower is a satellite dish.... bada boom!
I did not expect any other guys to show any kind of knowledge about flowers, I am impressed brother, if it is correct :lol:
Oklahoma is also not technically a flower, but a berry. A berry used to be a flower, like a pine cone, though.
White pine cone and tassel provides us with a lot of sap on the cars and a lot of pollen.

When I lived in the Cayman Islands the burnt out car was the national flower.
What variety in all God's creation :applause:and what humor in the endless ways we can tease each other!:rolleyes:
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