Puritan Board Freshman
I’ve been reading James Macdonald Chaney’s William the Baptist, and have become more and more confirmed in my belief that sprinkling or pouring is the proper mode of baptism rather than immersion. It is clear from Chaney’s argumentation from Scripture that both sprinkling and pouring adequately represent the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer, as the believer is sprinkled by the blood of Christ when His work is applied by the Spirit, and the Spirit is described in numerous passages of Scripture as being poured out on the believer (e.g. Joel 2:28-29). Our confession also approves of both modes of baptism:
My question then is, if both modes of baptism are scriptural, then how does a minister decide which one to employ when administering the sacrament? Is it based on personal preference, or circumstance, or that the minister finds that one mode is more scriptural than the other?Dipping of the person into the water is not necessary; but baptism is rightly administered by pouring or sprinkling water on the person (WCF 28.3).