Reformed Commentaries?

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Coram Deo

Puritan Board Junior
Besides Calvin's Commentaries, what other PRE Great Awakening Reformed Commentaries are excellent and worthy to get?

I want Pre Awakening Reformed Thought....

Any thoughts?

P.S. My Christmas gift from my mother of Calvin's commentaries came in today..... Exciting........
Thanks Pastor.....

I know Martin Bucer wrote a few commentaries, I am not sure on the whole bible but I saw some on Ephesians, The Gospels and Romans... Are these still available in print?


I've found many of the commentaries in the Geneva series by Banner of Truth to be very good.
By the way, I have come to really really like Martin Bucer and his writings so his commentaries would be wonderful I am sure.....
Besides the aforementioned, Bucer also wrote a commentary on the Psalms which was highly regarded in his day (see Calvin's commentary in the introduction to his own commentary on that book). You can find, I think, Bucer's commentaries at least in part in the Opera Latina, which is online for limited preview in Latin. As for modern English translations, let me know if you find one!

For what it's worth, I second Steve's recommendation of the Geneva series. That's a good way to go if you want to build up your basic Biblical commentaries. They are a mix of 16th to 19th century commentators.

Let me also recommend as resources worth consulting on this subject Charles Spurgeon, Commenting and Commentaries and The Essential Commtaries for a Preacher's Library (2006) by Derek Thomas and John Tweeddale. They are writing primarily to fellow ministers but their comments are useful for anyone who wants to select the best commentaries for their own study. I've spent several years trying to select and study the best commentaries I can find on each book of the Bible as well as full-length commentaries and these have been very helpful to me.

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