James Orr

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Puritan Board Senior
I have been looking at two books by James Orr that I have on my shelf. Revelation and Inspiration was first printed in 1910. Baker printed it again with a new introduction by Addison Leitch in 1969. Orr takes apart the higher critics in this well written work on special revelation.
The second Orr work I have is The Progress of Dogma. This is not a comprehensive systematics but was a series of lectures that Orr delivered at Western Theological Seminary [Allegheny PA] in 1897, and published by Eerdmans in 1952. As Orr takes on the liberals of his day he anticipated the errors todays liberal promulgate.
Orr needs to be better known.
Orr needs to be better known.

In one sense, yes, he was quite a defender of the faith, and is worthwhile reading for that reason. But he also raised some questions, both in relation to the inerrancy of the Bible and the development of dogma, which have a tendency to undo all his good work. So he must be read, not only with care, but with caution.
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