Is chiropractic medicine legitimate?

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Originally posted by JBaldwin
Anne, sadly this is true. You really have to be careful who you see.

But that goes for any profession.

Very true, as in all things, Caveat emptor.

As George Carlin once observed, by process of elimination one can eventually find the world's worst doctor. And the strange thing is that someone acctually has an appointment with him/her tommorow.
Well, I had thought the headaches were due to allergies, but the x-rays did show that I carry my head very far forward, so it is possible they were caused by tension. But as long as they're gone I'm not going to complain.

I had always wondered why Mexican coke tastes so much better than American. Now I know.
I suffered from allergies and I eat natural wild honey for that, it has really help me.

If only Martin Luther would have paid attention to how the papist (from Southern Europe, that is) took care of themselves we would of... well, only God can tell.
Here's a link to a site I've relied upon for years, as a professional in plaintiff litigation and as a patient myself: Quackwatch. It makes for a very interesting read, at least.

That referenced, there's a lot to be said regarding the benefits of good chiropractic. Someone I went to school with has a degree in "medical chiropractic," and the good that he does for people who have, say, twisted their backs in a misguided, heavy-lifting maneuver, or suffered some types of torsion in car accidents, etc. is incalculable. He is a fine physician in every sense of the word: he knows what many M.D.s and D.O.s do not, which is the first rule in any sphere of medical practice: "primum non nocere," or, of course, "first, do no harm." He knows when to refer patients to a medical neurologist, orthopod, neurosurgeon, internist or whatever, and when, in the alternative, a particular patient is presenting with a set of symptoms that he can treat. A good chiropractor is a great find.


Okay. I'll be quiet. I just wanted to weigh in on this one for you, Shackleton. :)
Let me just say for the record that I personally don't have anything against chiropractors I just thought it was strange that psychology was considered taboo but not chiropractic medicine. Plenty of people are helped by both...and there are good and bad in both.
Low back pain is one of the most common ailments facing americans today. Though I agree with snippets of what has been said here, if I had low back pain...I would want someone who could determine the pain generator and treat it accordingly. Many times that is overlooked. For instance, herniated discs were spoken of earlier. That is all well and good but is it a prolapse? a protrusion? a sequestration??? If one of the MDs I worked with referred patients with disc prolapses and sequestrations to a chiro...I'd be suspect of the referring doc...because we are quite possibly looking to worsen the situation. It has been shown that if the low back pain is a chronic condition there is a chemical sensitization process at work that no mobilization or adjustment will clear up completely. However, medical intervention followed by PT has been shown to work effectively.

As far as the cervical spine and chiropractic adjustments...look at the literature. Who has the most lawsuits :) My main gripe in this situation is that chiros use high velocity, high thrust manipulations to address most issues. PTs worth their salt would advocate high velocity, low thrust manipulations...but would favor joint mobilization over the former...depending on the situation. Consider a car door...if your car door did not shut all the way in a parking lot would you A) walk away from the door 50 ft...get a running start...and hit it with all you have. Or B) use your hip to nudge it into place. I'm an advocate of the latter and have great outcomes in my clinic.

It is true that not all chiros are bad. If you have an orthopedic chiro who specializes in solid evidence based practice there is a good chance you'll have a good result. This, by the way, is physical therapy.

However, though we strive for evidence based practice...PTs, MDs, and DOs...(and probably even chiros) know that we all do things in the clinic...that work in the clinic...but the research isn't there to support it.

If a chiro tells me he can cure cancer, or liver failure, or an infant needs to begin adjustments post-partum because the spine is supposed to be symmetrical...I call hogwash. We all know some have straighter spines than others...and scoliosis is a real condition. However, we live in a fallen world and there is no perfect spine...

OK, though much more could be said...I'm off my soapbox now...:)
They are a temporary fix to a permanent problem, from what I understand.

A chriopractitioner can "correct" problems, but they'll only come back because they are due to poor posture/muscle strength. A physical therapist will fix you in the long run, as long as you do the exercises.

Sure, they can make you feel better for a little while, but it's just a finger in the hole of the levy.

P.S. I think 90% of psychology is a joke. I think the degree is a joke. They literally make up disorders. Honestly, ADD is code-name for "the parents to discipline the child so we need to drug them". What a crock.

I realize there are chemical imbalances that occur and that these are verifiable medical disorders. However, these behavioral disorders that they come up with are just asinine.
Speaking of chiropractors, has anyone seen that Simpsons episode where Homer gets a bent up trash can and pushes people backward over it and cracks their backs until some chiropractic "thugs" come and bend his trash can out of shape so he can't practice chriropractic medicine anymore? :lol:
I just wanted to say that whoever reads the quackwatch site should try to do some research on the man who runs it. He is not an honest man and he writes many half or non-truths. I've commented on him before in different threads. If anyone would like more info. PM me.
I just wanted to say that whoever reads the quackwatch site should try to do some research on the man who runs it. He is not an honest man and he writes many half or non-truths. I've commented on him before in different threads. If anyone would like more info. PM me.

Dude... you're not like a... chiropractor are you?
Historically, chiropractic is a rival system to medicine. It rejects the germ theory of disease and is quite frankly quackery.
Scott the above is classic. Can I borrow it for my facebook profile :cool::)

Um, sure.

Speaking of chiropractors, has anyone seen that Simpsons episode where Homer gets a bent up trash can and pushes people backward over it and cracks their backs until some chiropractic "thugs" come and bend his trash can out of shape so he can't practice chriropractic medicine anymore? :lol:

I saw that one. I love it when Moe says something like, "Face it Homer, this is chiro town."
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