Harry Blamires (November 6, 1916 - November 21, 2017)

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Puritan Board Doctor
I just discovered that Harry Blamires died late last year, 15 days after his 101st birthday. Of his 20 or so books, The Christian Mind (1963), which has never been out of print is, by far, the best known. My personal favorite of his works is Milton's Creation: A Guide Through "Paradise Lost" (1971), which is exactly what its subtitle says it is. He takes you through the great poem section by section.

He studied under C. S. Lewis at Oxford before World War II. Lewis later became a mentor and friend who encouraged Blamires to write. Blamires spent his career as a literary critic and a professor of English literature, primarily at what is now Winchester University.

I can't say for sure, but he may have been one of the last living people who knew Lewis well as far back as the 1940s and 1950s.
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