Good Time Management System for Pastors (It's free!)

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Hi Everyone,

Here is a free time management system by Mark Foster. Mr. Foster is an Englishman who has come up with several systems, and this one is considered by many by to be his best. It is a good alternative to GTD (which I tried, but didn't fit my needs). The rules are a little complex, like GTD, but the more you use the system, the easier it becomes. There is also a very active discussion forum. Mr. Foster answers many of the questions himself and in a timely manner. He is currently on break.
Everything's free and the system seems suited for dealing with administrative pastoral work in which one deals with a multitude of small and large tasks daily. It is called Superfocus.

Rules for Superfocus

I just got GTD from the library. Could be an interesting comparison.

There are significant differences. Superfocus seems to be the simpler of the two, once the rules have been understood. People who like time management systems should probably look at both systems. My opinion is that using Superfocus has helped me overcome procrastination and almost become addicted to finishing tasks (as opposed to be enthralled by the latest time management system which people have a lot of enthusiasm for in the beginning, but soon drop the system when it becomes boring). I've stayed with this system longer than any other, and I like the system even though the novelty has worn off.

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