Good search engines & AI assistants for internet research?

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Puritan Board Freshman
I've been content with Google until recently, but as I dig into more esoteric positions and statements, wherein they are likely only mentioned once by an author in a larger work, I find it aggravating to deal with the clutter and bookstores that search usually brings. I know of Puritan Search--and indeed I have it--, but I am looking for more than puritans, and subsequently need something that can separate the wheat from the chaff for the whole internet.

So far I've used Bing Co-pilot, and while it's nice, the conversational method of searching, as well as its own biases towards "official sites" (top sources), makes getting specifics hard; especially when it miscites something, or conjures up something from a basic biography.
Might try these:
$5 a month -

The real value here is going to be Galaxie, which has over 1,000 volumes of contemporary Christian Journals. While the website is good, the real hack would be to download Logos free search engine, and get it there, then you will have all the resources, plus the functions of Logos. Its the same price in Logos as it is at the website, $5.
Last edited: This site has been helpful
Just a caution on using ChatGPT (or other LLM's) is they sometimes have difficulties pulling direct quotes from works and in some cases will " hallucinate" a result (for example, quoting something that doesn't exist or citing an entirely made up work). Newest models have gotten better, especially with ChatGPT being able to use Bing, however it can still be hit or miss sometimes. Make sure you double check everything coming out of the response for veracity.
Might try these:
$5 a month -

The real value here is going to be Galaxie, which has over 1,000 volumes of contemporary Christian Journals. While the website is good, the real hack would be to download Logos free search engine, and get it there, then you will have all the resources, plus the functions of Logos. Its the same price in Logos as it is at the website, $5.
You have a horrible tendency for recommending me databases that will ultimately lead to another 50 tabs on my poor browser. (thank you) This site has been helpful
If you’re still using GPT, Bing uses ChatGPT too, with an option for GPT-4 for free (at least for me)
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