Gas Prices

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Romans solves this arguement
15:1 We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. 3 For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, "œThe reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me." 4 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, 6 that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.

Now for gas price in Baton Rouge it is $2.61
Im done arguing over the oil issue but I will remain to post my gas prices per the threads title.


[Edited on 9-3-2005 by Bladestunner316]
Originally posted by Bladestunner316
no more fighting in this thread. This is just to post gas prices.
I got a bargain. Instead of $3.50 per gallon, I went to a different place and paid only $3.30 per gallon...$57 to fill the tank.
Originally posted by blhowes
I got a bargain. Instead of $3.50 per gallon, I went to a different place and paid only $3.30 per gallon...$57 to fill the tank.

Gee Bob, you should be faithful to your Massachusetts yankee roots and you should have the Boston Oil Party. You could dress up as an indian and throw your oil into the Boston Harbor. I am not sure how it affects the environment, but it is a powerful political statement.

Originally posted by Puritanhead
Gee Bob, you should be faithful to your Massachusetts yankee roots and you should have the Boston Oil Party. You could dress up as an indian and throw your oil into the Boston Harbor. I am not sure how it affects the environment, but it is a powerful political statement.
Great idea. Actually, the guy in the front, third from the left, looks amazingly like, and may actually be, me. As you can see, I'm throwing a case of oil overboard. Just to the left of me is a coiled up gas pump hose (the pump is on the lower deck), ready to be used (as soon as I can raise enough money to pay for the gas)

My last tank of gas was $70.25 Let's see that was about 18 gallons of gas. . . half a tank.

Where o where has my horsey gone?
Oh, where o where can he be?
Originally posted by LawrenceU

My last tank of gas was $70.25 Let's see that was about 18 gallons of gas. . . half a tank.

Where o where has my horsey gone?
Oh, where o where can he be?

I hear you. I am seriously considering buying a cheap used tin can of a car for gas mileage alone. 150+ mile round trips each week to preach could make the savings pay for the car!
Originally posted by fredtgreco
Originally posted by LawrenceU

My last tank of gas was $70.25 Let's see that was about 18 gallons of gas. . . half a tank.

Where o where has my horsey gone?
Oh, where o where can he be?

I hear you. I am seriously considering buying a cheap used tin can of a car for gas mileage alone. 150+ mile round trips each week to preach could make the savings pay for the car!

Last year my wife though I was crazy in buying a new car. This year her tune changed and now I was smart.

This evening I drove to Rhodes College to pick up Chris Blum and take him to evening service and then took him back to Rhodes and then returned home. While driving on the campus to his dorm he asked about how far it was and about the gas. Pointing to the screen I told him that he was in a hybrid and at that point we were running electric. When I got back home the "consumption" display, indicated a total of 61 miles at 60.9 MPG!

"Stewardship Gen 1:28 Not Plunder"
Originally posted by jfschultz
Last year my wife though I was crazy in buying a new car. This year her tune changed and now I was smart.

This evening I drove to Rhodes College to pick up Chris Blum and take him to evening service and then took him back to Rhodes and then returned home. While driving on the campus to his dorm he asked about how far it was and about the gas. Pointing to the screen I told him that he was in a hybrid and at that point we were running electric. When I got back home the "consumption" display, indicated a total of 61 miles at 60.9 MPG!

"Stewardship Gen 1:28 Not Plunder"
Neat. What make and model car is it? I'd like to find out more information about alternatives.

Price-wise, how does it compare with other cars its size?
The average price of regular gas in Washington, DC is now $3.38, which is higher than all 50 states' averages and ranks fourth highest among metropolitan area averages in the country.

Source: Washington Post, 9/08/05
Originally posted by blhowes
Originally posted by jfschultz
Last year my wife though I was crazy in buying a new car. This year her tune changed and now I was smart.

This evening I drove to Rhodes College to pick up Chris Blum and take him to evening service and then took him back to Rhodes and then returned home. While driving on the campus to his dorm he asked about how far it was and about the gas. Pointing to the screen I told him that he was in a hybrid and at that point we were running electric. When I got back home the "consumption" display, indicated a total of 61 miles at 60.9 MPG!

"Stewardship Gen 1:28 Not Plunder"
Neat. What make and model car is it? I'd like to find out more information about alternatives.

Price-wise, how does it compare with other cars its size?

It is a Toyota Prius. It likes the 35-40 MPH city streets with the engine at operating temperature. My normal comute of 4 miles hurts. So my overall average is in the upper 40's.

Most auto reviewers call it a compact, it is a bit shorter than a Corolla. The EPA calls it a mid-size based of the interior space which is close to a Camry's.

The MSRP is in about the middle of the various Camry trim levels, but popularity leaves little leverage to negotiate the price down. (Some dealers are still selling at a premium over MSRP!) My Prius cost more than my 2000 Camry only because of the options. (It is easier to get lower option packages now.)
thats good. prices ahvent changed here since I got back from vacation. which is good but not great. Just means they havent increased. as far as I know it seems like hings are calming down a smidge.

Wish I had a horse...but then with five little ones we'd need half a dozen horses, then the price of property, hay,! We could always sell the manure I suppose...
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