Father's Day

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Hey Dads, care to share what you did for Father's Day? Did you do anything special with your family? Did you get/give any cool gifts?

Hey Scott Bushy, I got a replica of the sword that Mel Gibson used in Braveheart. I just had to brag about that to you after seeing the William Wallace quote at the bottom of your posts. :p

I also got a cd of bagpipe classics that I'm jammin' to right now. :banana:

The best gift was a new Cambridge Bible. My old one got wet somehow and began coming apart a couple of weeks ago.
Happy father's day to all fathers out there in puritanboard land.

My family gave me a nice father's day card, some much needed clothes, and then took me out to the Olive Garden. I'm stuffed!

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers.

Today is Father's day (of course), my parents 39th anniversary (they were married on Sunday, Father's Day), and my kid sister's 21st birthday.

The birthday always takes precedence! Other than that I bought my parents a Francine Rivers novel--my mom will read it to my dad, and over the last 30 days I've been the initiator behind him losing some weight--that's his Father's day gift. :bs2: (No ties for dad this year.)
My wife got me the first season of Law and Order SVU on DVD since I just started watching the show recently. She also paid off "Showdown Legends of Wrestling" on the XBox for when it comes out Wednesday.

My poor College student daughter managed to get me a funny card, a nice hat (of the College she attends) and some static clings so we can display on our car window where she goes as well. Best of all she came home for the day!

It was a very good day for me over all! Hoping all you dads out there had a blessed one as well.

Me and my kid:

Got this nice circuit board for building an EL84 tube stereo amp. (any audiophiles/DIYers take note)


I am ordering the parts and will start stuffing it ASAP.

Had my favorite local pizza.

Got hugs and kisses from all 6 of the little ones as well as the curvy brunette big one.

Happy Dads Day to all,
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