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Puritanboard Librarian
No, not that kind of dating...

B.C. And A.D. Abbreviations Fading Into History

POSTED: 11:50 am EST March 25, 2005 AP

ALBANY, N.Y. -- Is B.C. history?

A growing number of schools across the country are changing B.C. -- which stands for Before Christ -- to B.C.E., or Before the Common Era. A.D. -- for anno Domini, Latin for year of the Lord -- is becoming C.E. for Common Era.

Many historians and college instructors started using the new forms in the 1980s and now it's found in some school texts.

UCLA professor Gary Nash -- director of the National Center for History in Schools -- said the usage of B.C.E. and C.E. is fairly common now. He says using the new terms makes sense in the global age.

But some critics say it's all P.C. -- for political correctness.

Gilbert Sewall, director of the American Textbook Council, said he finds the trend "distressing," but points out that most major textbook companies have adopted the new terms.
Funny thing is, that history and learning are basically a product of Western Christianity. And even this is disingenuous - because if we really wanted to be "global" we would not insist on a completely Western construct. BCE is simply a variation on Westdern dating. The Chinese don't use it, nor the Arabs, nor the Jews, nor most peoples. The only reason that it is used is because it has become the standard due to Western Power and influence.
LOL, you fooled me.
Yes, I go to a progressive school where we are taught to swoon over the new dating symbols not merely in our history books, but also in our religion texts. :barfy:
My German professor pointed this out: "even to use this "dating" is to assume Christianity as your reference point, all the while trying to ignore it."
He is probably my favorite prof.
Personally, I'm surprised that this is still an issue. 10 years ago in Biblical archaeology they were using BCE (and I was disappointed at the time too.) I rather thought that by now it was pretty widely accepted practice.

But then, me being out of touch is nothing new. :candle:
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