Creation Poll

Creation Interpretation

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Ugh, see it's a terrible poll. You can be a six-day creationist, but NOT hold to young earth. theory??

No, far from it. I'm just saying the Bible doesn't indicate how old the earth is, just that God created it in six days. Adding up genealogies (a la Ussher) won't work, because their are demonstrable gaps in them.

I guess when I say I'm not a young earther, I mean that I don't think the world was created on [ame=""]Sunday, October 23, 4004 BC.[/ame]
Ugh, see it's a terrible poll. You can be a six-day creationist, but NOT hold to young earth. theory??

No, far from it. I'm just saying the Bible doesn't indicate how old the earth is, just that God created it in six days. Adding up genealogies (a la Ussher) won't work, because their are demonstrable gaps in them.

I guess when I say I'm not a young earther, I mean that I don't think the world was created on [ame=""]Sunday, October 23, 4004 BC.[/ame]

Ah, gotcha. Even tens of thousands of years of history is definitely "young" compared to billions. :)
6 day creation but unsure of earth age. Have always been tought about 6 to 10 thousand years and it seems plausible but I am not certain.
Even tens of thousands of years of history is definitely "young" compared to billions. :)

That's what I was getting at. I'm interested who thinks the millions and billions of years that science has "proven" is accurate, and who thinks it's just in the thousands.
14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.

Although I hold to the 6/24/ and no less than around 6,000 (young earth) this passage shows that the first three days were not necessarily how we think of the days. Notice that the sun and moon were only created on the 4th day to govern the morning and night. It is possible that the first three days were not exactly the 24h type we come to know it to be as today. The reason I don't believe that the other days (the first three) could be thousands or millions of years though is because there isn't, in my opinion, proof of it in the Bible, even though this passage could imply such a thing.
Who knows?

The ~6000 year date was invented through those "endless genealogies" Paul warned about anyway, so... :p

I voted 6/24 anyway.
6/24 here too. But honestly, I'm not sure how the young/old debate can be separated from the 6-day debate. Any clarity would be appreciated.
Today - 6/24/young (Answers in Genesis type)

In college/seminary in 70s, progressive creationist, Day Age (Hugh Ross type).
How about a neo-Augustinian instantaneous creation view? ;)

Just kidding. I voted 24/6.

It would have to be 24/7 right? Since the 7th day of rest was still part of the week of Creation.

Isn't it more correct to say that we believe in the 7 Day Creation view because the 7th Day was integral to the other six, even if God was resting?

When we say 6-Day Creation, then we negate the importance of God's purposeful rest on the 7th, right?

I move that we begin speaking of 7-Day Creationism.
How about a neo-Augustinian instantaneous creation view? ;)

Just kidding. I voted 24/6.

It would have to be 24/7 right? Since the 7th day of rest was still part of the week of Creation.

Isn't it more correct to say that we believe in the 7 Day Creation view because the 7th Day was integral to the other six, even if God was resting?

When we say 6-Day Creation, then we negate the importance of God's purposeful rest on the 7th, right?

I move that we begin speaking of 7-Day Creationism.

I second the motion. But I want to leave out the 24 hour part. Hours were invented by either the Egyptians or the Bablyonians much later. :p
How about a neo-Augustinian instantaneous creation view? ;)

Just kidding. I voted 24/6.

It would have to be 24/7 right? Since the 7th day of rest was still part of the week of Creation.

Isn't it more correct to say that we believe in the 7 Day Creation view because the 7th Day was integral to the other six, even if God was resting?

When we say 6-Day Creation, then we negate the importance of God's purposeful rest on the 7th, right?

I move that we begin speaking of 7-Day Creationism.

I second the motion. But I want to leave out the 24 hour part. Hours were invented by either the Egyptians or the Bablyonians much later. :p

The number of hours, minutes or seconds may be our way to divide the day, and may be attributed to an historical human created standard.

But that’s why it is so precious that the Lord in Scripture makes sure we see it in a precise manner, as our own Solar day, with morning and evening.

And the evening and the morning were the third day Ge 1:13
How about a young biosphere created in 6 days of 24 hours each, an old universe created prior to that, the creation account being from the viewpoint of a person on planet earth?

I mean no offense to any who hold to an old earth creation, but I do want to know what biblical support can be used to show this to be the case.

Is it in part that science relies on things like carbon dating? Or that light measured from distant galaxies are billions of light years away? I can understand wanting to harmonize what we're told with what we observe. And truthfully, even though young earth is what I believe, the issue with light from distant galaxies has always bothered me.

One thing I can recommend reading is Dr. Russell Humphries book Starlight and Time: Solving the Puzzle of Distant Starlight in a Young Universe. It's been a great book which explains a white-hole concept. Still may not be the correct answer, but it does give a good explanation while holding to the bibical account. And for me it also addresses how it is possible to see light from distant galaxies billions of light years away while still maintaining a universe which would only be thousands of years old.
6 days, young earth. When the universe was stretched out like a garment there was time distortion so that distant galaxies are not as old as they appear to be. :)
I'm sure this has been done before, but I couldn't find it after a quick search and I'd like to see some current statistics.

I've read through several of the threads on the topic of Creation, and I've learned a lot about the various interpretations. It seems most people on this board favor a literal 24-hour, 6 day creation interpretation, but I'm curious just how large that majority is.

Just in case anyone missed it, here is the seminal PB creation debate. It is a must read:
I believe in a literal 6/24 creation. I do not believe that any Bible passage teaches, as its purpose, the age of the earth. It seems to me that being dogmatic about the age of the earth (young or old) on scriptural basis is to deal in speculation.
My :2cents:

Could it be that God created the Earth in 6/24 days but created it old like he did
Adam? I mean Adam was a grown man when he came into being, he did not grow "old" he already was mature even though he was just created.

just an idea.
I believe God created the Earth in 6/24 hour days but he created it in a very mature state and that is why Scientist are so befuddled with dating things in the Millions of Years. The Earth is probably between 6-10, 000 years old however based on science it seems as if it is millions of years old.
I believe God created the Earth in 6/24 hour days but he created it in a very mature state and that is why Scientist are so befuddled with dating things in the Millions of Years. The Earth is probably between 6-10, 000 years old however based on science it seems as if it is millions of years old.

Exactly what I meant.
Just like my Adam example. Adam was mature as far as his appearance but was in fact very young. God did not create our first parents as children and watch them grow into adulthood. He created them as adults with full grown minds and the ability to reason. I believe the same is true with the world. Although the earth may have the appearance of being very old it is in fact very young.

But that is just my :2cents:
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