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Puritan Board Freshman
Whats everyones take on this? give it a minute it gets.......well...........see for yourself.

[ame=""]YouTube - The crazy christian and mad sermons in South Korea's church[/ame]
It seems to be an Asian version of the Hagee, Hinn, Copeland, Rodney Howard-Browne heresy. Completely unbiblical. Demonic.
It seems to be an Asian version of the Hagee, Hinn, Copeland, Rodney Howard-Browne heresy. Completely unbiblical. Demonic.

The first thing I thought of was demonic. I saw similar behavior in pentacostal meetings in France. It was frightening.
I don't think a lot of those folks have actually been grounded in the word of God, so they are easily deceived.
Man! You presbyterians sure get excited in your worship services! Where does that fit in the RPW?
Demonic? Really? No. I don't think so. Never chalk up to demonic activity that which can be accounted for by man's total depravity.

What we have in this video people rolling around on the floor like idiots. Do we have Scriptural evidence that this is the result of demonic possession? Note how controlled this "chaos" is. No one runs into anyone else. No one is hurt. Only one person on stage is "slain". No one from the crowd is allowed on stage, and no one from the crowd even attempts to get on stage, because they know there is security that will prevent them from doing so. If they are conscious of these things, they are not demon possessed.

This is not idiots being influenced by demons. This is just idiots.
You are correct, I cannot say it is demonic based on an impression or feeling. After watching it again, although I may be wrong, I still am sticking with my first impression.

At the very least I believe this kind of behavior, though, is rooted in a lie. The kind of lie that the great deceiver would readily attempt to propagate through people that are dangerously ignorant in the faith.

Demonic? Really? No. I don't think so. Never chalk up to demonic activity that which can be accounted for by man's total depravity.

What we have in this video people rolling around on the floor like idiots. Do we have Scriptural evidence that this is the result of demonic possession? Note how controlled this "chaos" is. No one runs into anyone else. No one is hurt. Only one person on stage is "slain". No one from the crowd is allowed on stage, and no one from the crowd even attempts to get on stage, because they know there is security that will prevent them from doing so. If they are conscious of these things, they are not demon possessed.

This is not idiots being influenced by demons. This is just idiots.
Immediate thought::eek:

May the Lord lift the veil of confusion and error from these people's eyes :pray2:

We've got some really sharp Bible scholars here, but this challenge might even stump them. If you had to justify from the scriptures that behavior, which I'd guess those people would, what scriptures can you think of that would even remotely justify what kind of behavior?

We've got some really sharp Bible scholars here, but this challenge might even stump them. If you had to justify from the scriptures that behavior, which I'd guess those people would, what scriptures can you think of that would even remotely justify what kind of behavior?

"Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water."

Matt 17:15

We've got some really sharp Bible scholars here, but this challenge might even stump them. If you had to justify from the scriptures that behavior, which I'd guess those people would, what scriptures can you think of that would even remotely justify what kind of behavior?

"Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water."

Matt 17:15
Well, that's certainly an appropriate verse.
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