Anyone here a sado-masochist?

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Puritan Board Junior

Richard Dawkins has an Atheist Forum where they will debate Theists. If you like being called "stupid," "idiot," "moron" or any other of the colorful phrases they use. I think it is good training for pratical apologetics, and some of them will really make you think.

So, if you can stand the torture, exercise some patience, and wish to dialogue with people who are fundamentally opposed to you, then join up and enter the fray! Forum • View forum - Atheism


I find internet apologetics to be an entirely unfruitful and really quite frustrating enterprise; very few internet atheists I have come across are legitimately intelligent people, most of them just make fun of you and call you names and mock you. They don't understand your arguments, and really they don't understand their own, a lot of times, because they are just nonsense.
A simple point of order:

A sadist is one who takes pleasure from inflicting pain on others.

A masochist is one who takes pleasure from receiving pain.

A sado-masochist loves both.

So, in this case, the thread is an invitation only for masochists.

Unless of course you are providing the opportunity to give pain to these folks as well as receive it, in which case I may be in for it. :)
I find internet apologetics to be an entirely unfruitful and really quite frustrating enterprise; very few internet atheists I have come across are legitimately intelligent people, most of them just make fun of you and call you names and mock you. They don't understand your arguments, and really they don't understand their own, a lot of times, because they are just nonsense.

They are all that, but I seem to have gotten through to one guy, and I think I am turning him.


Those kind of places are great for honing your apologetic skills, in terms of being able to quickly spot the fallacies and inconsistency in the atheistic position.

However, from my experience people on forums like that do not care about consistency or truth, they just want to emote and propagate. So use the forums just like a tool to sharpen your skills, but do not waste any more precious time and effort than that on them.

Better save that for real-life evangelism.
1Cr 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

1Cr 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

1Cr 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned.

The only way ANY of them will come to Christ, is if God Himself draws them..

Whats worse is that for the rest of them...everything they hear/read will be used against them when they stand before God in judgment..
My dear PB brother, the part that scares me about myself is that I actually get the point of this thread and it makes sense to me. I am so tempted to go over there and greatly stir things up. However, I have found through personal trial and error that I have very little success in conversing with that great multitude of impotent, blind, halt, and withered folk by butting heads with them. In fact I tend to become just as angry and cynical.

So in Christ, He has shown me another method.
(James 2:8 KJV) If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

My approach through Christ Jesus our Lord is a disciplined one which calls for me to strengthen the Christians around me through encouragement, teaching and role modeling in order to 'show' those others of Christ in me. Then through prayer and meditation, He fully helps me gently guide those who are confused and tend to cause trouble. He has edified me to live the role Paul speaks of in 2 Cor 5:20 "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us."

God has blessed me by placing me in an office with a couple of mature Christians some baby Christians, and a few skeptics. No one is an out right atheist or antagonist. This is good for me because my natural tendency is to be very confrontational and blunt. I've never been successful in debating or negotiation except in starting fights. Fortunately the good Lord knows that my ministry and witness would suffer if I had to argue my apologetics with others. It's just not my gift.

I thank Him daily for placing me here and allowing me to develop a new talent which serves Him well and furthers His Kingdom in Grace and Peace.
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