Abortion as "art"

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I was just thinking of posting this here, other than my concerns of the vulgarity and perverseness of it.

I'm speechless...
Yes it's very vulgar and perverse, not to mention utterly evil. Even pro-choice people are saying this is morally wrong, although if they truly believe that an unborn child is not a person I don't see why they have a moral problem with it...
Same here. It does bring up a lot of questions and I hate to join in the discussion because that's what this 'artist/piece of human debris' wants, so I resist. On the other hand it puts a magnifying glass on the hypocrisy of the pro-infant murder movement.

We can't allow them to say that this is against their 'moral code' when they really have no basis for a moral code. This young student murderer could have made her point with words - words are dangerous and provocative enough. This act, if she has actually performed it, is a mockery of the image of God and the natural outcome of a materialist culture.

I was just thinking of posting this here, other than my concerns of the vulgarity and perverseness of it.

I'm speechless...
To put it simply: In a just and moral society, this person would be executed.

However, recently, the Supreme Court had to hear a case on whether the death penalty was a "cruel and unusual punishment" for child rapists.

Sad, sad.
I couldn't even finish reading the article. The whole thing grieves me, angers me, and makes me sick all at once.
But Shvarts insists her concept was not designed for "shock value."

Yeah, right . . .

Almost enough to make a theonomist out of me.

Is it possible that this is a sick "joke"??? It is Yale, afterall.
May God spare the righteous when His anger over the murder of babies is no longer tolerated. While I pray for His mercy so that sinners may repent, I can't help but ask that He strike down this evil and those who commit it.
May God spare the righteous when His anger over the murder of babies is no longer tolerated. While I pray for His mercy so that sinners may repent, I can't help but ask that He strike down this evil and those who commit it.

May the righteous be spared so that they can be the ones to rebuild :2cents:

(which is the exact opposite of the whole pre-trib rapture mindset now that I think about it)
I'm almost certain that its true. I would expect nothing less from Yale. It is sad that at one time it was a school dedicated to training pastors.

abominable. . . .
See here for official statement.

Thanks for finding this. Last part of the press release:

She is an artist and has the right to express herself through performance art.

Had these acts been real, they would have violated basic ethical standards and raised serious mental and physical health concerns.

I'm glad they have some sense of ethical standards (which apparently don't cover lying for "artistic" purposes).
I've seen the struggles women go through when they have real miscarriages. My mother had 3 in my teen years and my wife has had 2. Someone who purposefully causes them even on herself should be viewed, even in our secular society, as worse than Hitler.
I confess to being an old fuddy duddy who has never understood "performance art." But, evidently in our post-modern times, the ambiguity resulting from conflicting claims of truth and falsehoold, where the "artist" utters entirely contradictory statements as prima facie evidence of what her "art" is "saying," makes it even more confusing.

I'm with Joshua: "May God grant her repentance and/or bring His justice swiftly. (this applies to all the sins in which God has given America over to)."
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