Who to read first: Ridderbos or Vos?

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Puritan Board Freshman
I am trying to decide which book to read first out of Herman Ridderbos’s The Coming of the Kingdom & Geerhardus Vos’s Biblical Theology. Which would you recommend that I read first and why? How would I benefit from reading one before the other?
Vos. Coming of the Kingdom is too dry. He spends much of his time shadow-boxing dead Germans. His book on Paul is slightly better.
Vos. But you may want to go ahead and just get his systematic that's now available in 5 volumes. Volume 2 is pure gold.
There is no reason he could not read BT, as long as he realizes that Vos thought in Dutch when he wrote English.
Vos, because he gives an insightful and reasonably comprehensive overview, whereas Ridderbos is more narrowly focused and brings out more detail.
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