Who is Jim Wallis?

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Puritan Board Junior
I just saw his name for the first time reading Challie's Derek Webb interview and didn't know who they were referring to. Apparently the guy is quite critical of Christianity being taken over by Republicans. He's a big social justice guy. Anyone know anything more about this guy?
I love this tidbit from North...

"The Social Gospel movement is committed to guns and butter: the government's guns and your butter. The more guns the government has, the less butter you will have. "


[Edited on 11-16-2005 by Rick Larson]
Love 'em or hate 'em, North will never be accused of lacking wit. :lol:

I need to head over to Derek's blog/site and post this link...:scholar:
His organization puts out a magazine called Sojourners and they live in community in Washington D C. Their spirituality is like Bruce Cockburn's.
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