The dual nature of the covenant with Abraham?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Can anyone explain or post some good resources explaining the dual nature of the covenant with Abraham from a Baptist perspective?
Baptist Covenant Theology (I space on the exact name) by Pascal Denault.
Contrast2 WordPress blog and
Biblical Theology by Nehemiah Coxe.

The Renihans probably have something but I haven't read their works on it.
I elaborate on it in detail in this essay

The short version, from Augustine:
Now it is to be observed that two things are promised to Abraham, the one, that his seed should possess the land of Canaan, which is intimated when it is said, “Go into a land that I will show thee, and I will make of thee a great nation;” but the other far more excellent, not about the carnal but the spiritual seed, through which he is the father, not of the one Israelite nation, but of all nations who follow the footprints of his faith, which was first promised in these words, “And in thee shall all tribes of the earth be blessed.”
Chapter 16.—Of the Order and Nature of the Promises of God Which Were Made to Abraham.
God made distinct promises concerning distinct Abrahamic seed: his numerous carnal offspring vs his singular carnal offspring, the Messiah. It is my opinion that this is what Paul has in mind in Gal 3:16 (i.e. that Paul is distinguishing the different promises).

FYI, you will have slightly different explanations on the topic from different baptists (even within 1689 Fed), so it can get a little confusing.
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