The Crying Smilie

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Puritan Board Junior
Is there any chance that one day the crying smilie will be destroyed? Don't get me wrong, I am prone to shed a tear every now and then. I actually broke down while preaching a funeral this past Tuesday. So, it's nothing against a man crying, it's just sometimes I feel a little uncomfortable seeing a man use the crying smilie. It's almost as uncomfortable as watching the American Idol contestants crying when someone is voted off. *Did I just say that out loud?* O.k., I admit it, I watch American Idol with my wife. :( Actually that calls for more of the pukey smilie. :barfy::barfy:
And if it makes you feel any better we actually TiVo the show, and I spend about half the time fast forwarding through it. No really, I do. I can't stand to see these kids butcher classic songs. What a couple of the girls did to "Carry on My Wayward Son" and "If You Leave Me Now" the other night was inexcusable.
You don't like the crying smiley?!


I've thought of my response: :violin:

Don't be ashamed you watch American Idol. I like it too. I just asked Sonya if she recorded it. We're going to watch this past week's shows when I get back.
Now the violin smilie I like. It's funny and makes me think of Frau Blücher playing the violin in Young Frankenstein.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: That music...:violin:
Frau Blücher: Yes. It's in your blood - it's in the blood of ALL Frankensteins. It reaches the soul when words are useless. Your grandfather used to play it to the creature HE vas making.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Then it was you all the time.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: You played that music in the middle of the night...:violin:
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: get us to the laboratory.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: That was YOUR cigar smoldering in the ashtray.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: And it was you... who left my grandfather's book out for me to find.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: So that I would...
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Then you and Victor were...
Frau Blücher: YES. YES. Say it. He vas my... BOYFRIEND.
There needs to be a sad smilie without the tear. I have seen others use the crying one as in they are sad but that tear just makes it seem wrong in many contexts.
There needs to be a sad smilie without the tear. I have seen others use the crying one as in they are sad but that tear just makes it seem wrong in many contexts.

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