Seminary offering bachelors?

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Puritan Board Freshman
I'm new here, and didn't quite know where this should go. My question revolves around options for someone who has gone to college, but didn't finish. I am 34 years old and up till now was set on pursuing the call to Ministry via a Master's Seminary training. There because I lined up perfectly with their doctrinal positions, and also because they offer Bachelor's degrees for the same coursework as required for MDiv. Lately, I've been studying eschatology for myself, and I'm leaning in an entirely different direction (more covenantal).........
My angst centers around my desire to be trained at an institution that lines up doctrinally. I feel stuck now.........Any suggestions?:confused:
Have you looked at GPTS?

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!!! I had not looked into that school at all, but thank you so much for the info!! I'll be adding this one to my short list. Especially since the list of sems granting bachelor's degrees is short anyway.
As soon as I hit 15 posts, I'll thank you officially. :lol:
I am RTS Jackson and you don't have to have a BA to enroll in the MDiv. diploma program. If you maintain a 3.0 for the first 36 hours you may transfer to the degree program and finish with and MDiv. degree. I would highly recommend this seminary. I am so glad I came here.

**thank you**
In lieu of my button, which is dormant for now. :lol:

-----Added 9/22/2009 at 05:05:51 EST-----

I am RTS Jackson and you don't have to have a BA to enroll in the MDiv. diploma program. If you maintain a 3.0 for the first 36 hours you may transfer to the degree program and finish with and MDiv. degree. I would highly recommend this seminary. I am so glad I came here.

**thank you**
In lieu of my button, which is dormant for now. :lol:
I am RTS Jackson and you don't have to have a BA to enroll in the MDiv. diploma program. If you maintain a 3.0 for the first 36 hours you may transfer to the degree program and finish with and MDiv. degree.

I appreciate that they are opening up the ministry to those who might otherwise be unable to attend seminary. But I wish they would call the degree something more appropriate, such as a Bachelor of Divinity. If you don't have an undergraduate degree, you shouldn't be able to earn a graduate degree.
I am RTS Jackson and you don't have to have a BA to enroll in the MDiv. diploma program. If you maintain a 3.0 for the first 36 hours you may transfer to the degree program and finish with and MDiv. degree.

I appreciate that they are opening up the ministry to those who might otherwise be unable to attend seminary. But I wish they would call the degree something more appropriate, such as a Bachelor of Divinity. If you don't have an undergraduate degree, you shouldn't be able to earn a graduate degree.

Well, from my understanding, RTS's program does require that you have some undergraduate work under your belt. Perhaps carrying a 3.0 across 36 hours is considered the completion of your undergrad. If one can carry a 3.0 in 36 hours of graduate level courses, then that's a huge statement as to one's preparedness for the work.
I would suggest that you find a good seminary in line with your doctrines and transfer your credits in for an M.Div. if they don't offer a Bachelor degree.

There are seminaries that offer Bachelor degrees, but i counsel you to take greater care in selecting the school and then worry about the degree.

I would suggest that you find a good seminary in line with your doctrines and transfer your credits in for an M.Div. if they don't offer a Bachelor degree.

There are seminaries that offer Bachelor degrees, but i counsel you to take greater care in selecting the school and then worry about the degree.


I appreciate the counsel. My question was more of one of interest in the availability of schools, period. I had no intention if there wre one school offering a Bachelor's degree saying, "that does it, off to Free Will Seminary" or something of the sort. I was really interested to know if schools considered those w/o BA's as somehow not qualified to receive training for ministry. Now that I know there's a plethora of schools that offer such, my concerns are calmed. I can now take the proper time and receive the right guidance to choose a school best suited for where I find myself doctrinally now. Thanks so much for your input and concern.
You, too, get a
*thank you* until my button lives.:lol:
By the way, do you have an agreement with your church elders? I see you are from an independent church, what are their ordination requirements? If they only require a BTh you'll probably have an easier time.

Whitefield TS offers a BTh level. If you'll need a M.Div, RTS Jackson sounds good. Try to figure out what your plans are before you enroll and not have to stop and transfer halfway like me.
I would suggest that you find a good seminary in line with your doctrines and transfer your credits in for an M.Div. if they don't offer a Bachelor degree.

There are seminaries that offer Bachelor degrees, but i counsel you to take greater care in selecting the school and then worry about the degree.


I appreciate the counsel. My question was more of one of interest in the availability of schools, period. I had no intention if there wre one school offering a Bachelor's degree saying, "that does it, off to Free Will Seminary" or something of the sort. I was really interested to know if schools considered those w/o BA's as somehow not qualified to receive training for ministry. Now that I know there's a plethora of schools that offer such, my concerns are calmed. I can now take the proper time and receive the right guidance to choose a school best suited for where I find myself doctrinally now. Thanks so much for your input and concern.
You, too, get a
*thank you* until my button lives.:lol:

You'd have to add the seminary that i'm involved with to the list as well then...we offer from Associate to Doctorate, but since we're a seminary we try to keep the ratio of students heavily weighted towards the upper level programs.
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