Proverbs (Scottish)

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Puritan Board Doctor
Twelve highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion.

What may be done at any time will be done at no time.

What we first learn we best ken (know).

When one door sticks, another one opens.

When wine sinks words swim.

Whisky may not cure the common cold, but it fails more agreeably than most other things.

Willful waste makes woeful want.

Wink at small faults - your own are muckle (great)

Ye canna make a silk purse of a sow's lug (a pig's ear).

You may as well keep your breath to cool your porridge.
Scottish Proverbs
:ditto: ...but ours were in Frisian. I love the whiskey/cold proverb and the highlanders and the pipers. Great stuff!

Also reminds me of our Nanny when I was a child - she was from Fife and the accent was thick as oatmeal. I can almost hear her rattling off those phrases.
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I don't mind Vodka if it has some juniper, cardamom and coriander in it. Where I'm from it's called Gin.


The devil's boots don't creak.
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Whisky may not cure the common cold, but it fails more agreeably than most other things.

I currently have a cold and this is my experience exactly. It is one reason why I never complain about catching a cold.
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