Need some information concerning Preterist view

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Puritan Board Junior
To be honest, ihav eto let you know, that i still don'ty have a clear understanding of eschatology. But iam leaning more to amillianisme.

Can some help me with the preterist view :

* Where they also puritans who were preterist ?
* Are there heretic teachings in the preterist view ?
* Whats the difference between preterist and hyper preterist ?
* Can someone also be amillianist and preterist at the same time ?
* So, do they believe all the propheys are fullfilled, or are there still some that needs to be fuffilled ?

I hope some can answer them.
* Where they also puritans who were preterist ? most puritans were historicist, but had a preteristic understanding of some passages i.e. Matt 24:1-34
* Are there heretic teachings in the preterist view ? Yes, they are known as Hyper-Preterist (although they call themselves consistent Preterist). They teach that all biblical prophesy is fulfilled such as the General Resurrection, Final judgment, NH and NE.
* Whats the difference between preterist and hyper preterist ? The HP teach that all biblical prophesy is fulfilled such as the General Resurrection, Final judgment, partial preterist.
* Can someone also be amillianist and preterist at the same time ? Yes, I am
* So, do they believe all the propheys are fullfilled, or are there still some that needs to be fuffilled ? HPist teach that all prophesy is fulfilled and the is no New Testament eschatology. If you want a good refutation of HP I recommend Paul Manata Transcendental argument against HP.


P.S. You can also listen to Paul paper at
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