mp3 formats and "quality" at audiosermon

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Puritan Board Senior
I am having probs with my new mp3 player, sony, that seems to be taking more notice of the mp3 standard I am downloading. Can anyone list the different parameters for mp3 and explain why an hours sermon can increase tenfold in size when I convert it to 128bit. I am sure I have downloaded sermons that were 128 bit and not much bigger. Am I accidentally manipulating the wrong parameter?
"Converting" something from a lower bit rate to a higher bit rate does no good. The data is simply not there to make it higher quality. The program is doing a sort of arbitrary conversion, which is likely why the large file size. There is no reason to do that with SermonAudio files.
The program is doing a sort of arbitrary conversion... There is no reason to do that with SermonAudio files.

Yes there is! Dr. Henry Krabbendam is simply unintelligible unless he is 128 bit! I converted him from 16 bit to 128 bit and suddenly my Sony Walkman recognises the mp3 file. The quality might not have improved but it fools the hardware! (should that be software?) It's not a fix but a workaround that takes too much time.
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