Mozart: 25th Symphony

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Puritan Board Sophomore
this symphony is unbelievable in the amount of poignancy it is able to manifest at the point in music history that it was written at. This symphony begins the 3 great works of Mozart in G minor. His 1st piano quartet in G minor continues the pathos, and it then reaches its apotheosis in his Symphony no 40 in the same key.

Ever since then they have been a bunch of mimicry of works in g minor, none of which are on par with what Mozart did. Schumann's Zwickau symphony, Tchaikovsky first, Brahms first piano quartet all written in G minor but to no avail. Beethoven learnt well and stayed away from this key.
Mozart! This is one of my favorites. LOVE IT!

I remember being in my study in a couple of my pastorates playing Mozart while studying....I didn't pastor churches that cared for Mozart. But it was okay.
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YEAH!!! Mozart!! The best!! You bring class and culture to the PB!!

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