Meter is fascinating

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Puritan Board Professor
I don't have a musical background and frankly probably am pretty tone deaf. But I find great joy in singing hymns and psalms to the Lord. One of the most remarkable things I discovered recently was when a new hymn was introduced at church and I realized I knew the tune by heart (Tallis's Canon) because I'd sung Psalm 119N (from the Book of Psalms for Worship) many many times to the recording, so I could sing just fine. Then I noticed the LM for Long Meter and just how many hymns and psalms use that meter, and I also know the Doxology (Old 100th).

Since I already know Amazing Grace/New Britain, I also know a common meter tune (and I'm sure I know a few others), so it's rather shocking and thrilling to realize I can sing a HUGE number of the psalms even though I might be a bit repetitive. Digging further into hymns and psalms I've sung regularly really opens things up. It's a real joy! I now understand exactly why a split leaf psalter has appeal.
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