Message Series Recommendations

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Puritan Board Senior
I am looking for an appropriate gift for my father-in-law. He is very unaware of the Reformed tradition and teachings.

He is a very noble man who, although ignorant of theology and various views, is very open to learning and being enlightened. He faithfully attends the same church today that he grew up in. It is an Arminian/Dispensational (Wesleyan) church in the United Brethren Denomination. He is very frustrated with the watered down messages and hypocritical practices that are currently occurring at his church, yet he refuses to "church jump" as he so calls it. In the meantime he resorts to televangelists for what he refers to as his needed "meat" since he is not getting any nourishment from his church. He highly respects my opinion on things theology and takes my words to heart. Last time we talked was when my family went home for Thanksgiving. I warned him of the preachers he has been listening to to through television. He relies on Joel Osteen, John Hagee, Benny Hinn, and some lady on the radio, I believe Beth Moore, but I am not 100% on that.

So for Christmas I would like to send him a teacher who will who will better guide him through scriptures. I am sure he will cherish my recommendation (I am humbled and thankful for the respect he has for his son-in-law). My question is, who and what?

I don't want to start him out on TULIP Soteriology. I think he needs more of a big picture introduction to God and scripture. I was thinking something to do with the covenant unity of scripture or the holiness of God.

What do you think?

What teacher(s) would you recommend for such a person?

Are there any specific sermon series that are recommended?

I was thinking RC Sproul would be a good guide to get him acquainted with. Perhaps Sproul's The Holiness of God series would be a good starting point. I have never listened to the series or read the book, but I read that it is the best selling of all his works.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Here's my suggestion. Tell him to start at the top and work his way down. I don't think that they are available in any kind of a gift box format at this time.

It's the gospel!

Trinity Pulpit


You can get a wide variety of series here, in many varying lengths, depending on what you wanted to spend and how much your father-in-law will listen to.

I have never heard something by Al Martin that wasn't meticulous and conscientious --the Atonement and the Holy Spirit were great series, as was Cain and Abel --those stand out as highlights in my memory.

It is great that you have the opportunity to be an influence for reformation on your father-in-law. I trust that God will enable you to use that as wisely as a serpent and as harmlessly as a dove.

At the risk of offending some, I would recommend that you choose a series/preacher very wisely. I would not recommend that you begin with Matt's stuff - not because it is bad! quite the contrary, but because it is WAY to focused for an unbeliever who is unaware of the Reformed tradition.

For the record I would not begin with mine either, since I am a new preacher.

I would not start with Al Martin, even though I think he is an incredible preacher. If your family does not take to Al's style, you could find them unlistened to.

Here is what I would pick, if it were me. I would go with tried and true, yet very accessible. I would find Martyn Lloyd Jones sermons - I bet Jerrold knows where you can get them. MLJ's "evangelistic" sermons are excellent in this regard. I would also very highly recommed Derek Thomas and Ligon Duncan, both preaching straightforward Biblical sermons that are very accessible.

I would also get some good RC Sproul material. Stay basic. Stay main themes. Stay easily accessible. Avoid difficult distinctives (for now). Avoid secondary/teritary doctrines (for now).
Lloyd-Jones is available in the US from this place

Fred, I am interested to know why you think Lloyd-Jones is more accessible than Al Martin.
Originally posted by py3ak
Lloyd-Jones is available in the US from this place

Fred, I am interested to know why you think Lloyd-Jones is more accessible than Al Martin.

Only because many (wrongly) assume that they are "put off" by the "funamentalist Baptist style of preaching" and they (wrongly) assume that is what Martin does.

Don't get me wrong, I love Al Martin.
:ditto: to the suggestion of Lloyd-Jones. You might investigate whether a series by John MacArthur, Alistair Begg or R.C. Sproul might be appropriate. Some if not all of these men may be on the air in his area as well.

If he's listening to Beth Moore, she's SBC and actually much better than any of the others you listed, our issues with woman teachers notwithstanding. Nancy Leigh DeMoss would be even better, and shows some Reformed influence, although her ministry is appropriately aimed at a female audience. But if you're not sure, it might be Joyce Meyer, who is another Word-Faith teacher, although she's not quite as bad as Hinn or Copeland.
Before i hath alot of Lloyd-Jones tapes, and they were great :up::up::up:. But i was wondering if someone has a link where you can get Lloyd-Jones sermons for free for the mp3 ?
I understand. Thanks for clarifying, Fred. The only thing I could come up with Martin's greater length or his greater directness of application. If it's a question of style or intellectualism it seems like people might be more put off by Lloyd-Jones (who, incidentally, is my favourite preacher of last century).
Originally posted by py3ak
I understand. Thanks for clarifying, Fred. The only thing I could come up with Martin's greater length or his greater directness of application. If it's a question of style or intellectualism it seems like people might be more put off by Lloyd-Jones (who, incidentally, is my favourite preacher of last century).


I assume that Chris would be able to judge the implications of temperment better than I would.
We'll just have to hold our breath until Chris tells us what series he chose.
Thank you so much for the recommendations and the words of encouragement.

This will be an ongoing process.

I actually think my father-in-law would prefer "fundamentalist Baptist style of preaching". I think this is what he prefers. So perhaps he would take a liking to Al Martin.

However, IF he prefers this type of preaching will he then be turned off to later recommendations such a Sproul, or MLJ?

I like to know exactly what I send to people, so the difficult part is picking the right series, listening to it, and then sending it out. But this is where your recommendations help.

This is what I am going to do: For Christmas, I will go with my initial instinct and give him Sproul's Holiness of God. I listened to the first two out of the six part series and believe it will give him a good foundation to start on (the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge). This way, he has more places to go being that Sproul is on the radio. From there we will discuss what he thought of such a teaching and then I will send some MLJ and Al Martin. I am thinking a biblical view of man would be a good place to go after the biblical view of God. That will give a proper perspective and paradigm in which to segue the more God-centered, but more difficult doctrines later.

So what specific sermons or series dealing with the doctrine of man would you recommend from Martin, Lloyd-Jones (get it?), Duncan, Sproul, MacArthur or Thomas?
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