Machen and Segregation

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That's just it. At the time, many of the top universities did not admit blacks or women, and capped the number of Jews. In many places, especially on the West Coast, people with Asian ancestry could not own land. In Alaska, it was OK to post signs that said no Indians could enter a place of business. This is a part of our past that should not be forgotten.
Today, it appears that the only groups excluded by the Schools such as Harvard and Princeton and Yale would be Christians and Conservatives.
I'm telling you, brothers, this isn't going to stop with just Twitter posts; this is going to go much, much further in the church.


1) A Desiring God article is written lamenting the fact that Dabney's works are still even published and sold.

2) I respond, remarking that this is, in practicality, denying justification by faith alone.

3) The author (finally) responds. Even though he denies denying justification by faith alone, his rhetoric goes further, claiming, "I personally do not have utmost confidence in his salvation. […] [G]iven the evidence we have, it doesn’t look good." Notice the extreme escalation.

Don't think this will end well for anyone...

When Dabney died in 1898, he was buried in his Civil War uniform - 33 years after the end of the war. The old boy never did figure it out. I have no doubt he is in heaven. Like all of us, however, he was a man of his time and place.
That's just it. At the time, many of the top universities did not admit blacks or women, and capped the number of Jews. In many places, especially on the West Coast, people with Asian ancestry could not own land. In Alaska, it was OK to post signs that said no Indians could enter a place of business. This is a part of our past that should not be forgotten.
Fun fact, Wyoming, Kansas and New Mexico repealed their Alien Land Laws back in in the 2000s and Florida has it up on their ballot this year.
This thread got me to thinking (always a bit risky).

Who can identify this speaker:

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."
This thread got me to thinking (always a bit risky).

Who can identify this speaker:

Abraham Lincoln. I think it was from the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Indeed, I suspect that may have been one of the "gobbets" I was going to get my students to analyse when I was preparing my course on the ACW.

My memory is a bit sketchy at the minute, but I think that comment was made in response to extreme race-baiting by his Democratic opponent. Anyway, it is little wonder that some unhinged Leftists have attacked monuments of President Lincoln for failing their purity tests.
Reformed Covenanter said:
Anyway, it is little wonder that some unhinged Leftists have attacked monuments of President Lincoln for failing their purity tests.

Elihu Yale was a slave trader. Their Calhoun College was easy to rename, but when Yale University renames itself I'll be impressed.
Elihu Yale was a slave trader. Their Calhoun College was easy to rename, but when Yale University renames itself I'll be impressed.

Don't forget the perhaps most illiberal (in the historic sense of the word) of the lot, named for slave trader, smuggler, and election rigger Nick Brown.
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