Look Well to Your Heart!

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Puritanboard Librarian
Willem Teellinck, Redeeming the Time, p. 24:

It is very necessary that a man look well to his heart to live aright, to keep a firm step in the way of peace, and observe whether there be an increase or decline in godliness. Such can be singularly observed, firstly, in his exercise of prayer, secondly, in the alertness of his heart in the laying hold of occasions of doing good or receiving good. For it is certain when our heart begins to become neglectful, deathly and sleepy in these things this is a sad indication of our declension; if for instance frequently, when the occasion is gone by, we are convinced in our own mind that when it was present we did not once give a thought to the accomplishment or acquisition of good. Oh Lord! grant me a more wakeful heart, and the Spirit, the Remembrancer, the better in all cases to glorify Thee.
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