Let’s talk about

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This will sound like a strange approach but I think if churches ministered to women who have been through it there could be some real healing there.
I know it would be hard because the deed is so heartbreaking and repulsive.
But the need is there.
Those women could talk to young ladies about the hidden toll it takes on a person on a way no one else could.
I look forward to the day when some young lady is able to go back to the doctor and express her regrets.
Let's not forget the men involved as well. Not all of the fathers in the case of abortion pushed for or even wanted the deed to occur. Often times they are the one's not given a choice about what happens to their child. It does happen that sometimes the girl involved just goes out and permits the deed w/o considering what the guy's feelings are in the matter.

As far as how we as Christians should be praying and working to stop it. We should be praying that God will cause all to begin to respect life as the marvelous thing it is and that He will cause all to see children for the blessing that they truly are instead of an inconvienence to be discarded.

We should obviously vote for pro life candidates. However, one must be carefull to examine someones position when they are out campaigning. Many people will say they are staunchly pro life if it means they can get votes out of the Bible belt.

Pastors shouldn't be afraid to speak of life issues from the pulpit either. I know as the government encroaches ever closer into the life of the church that becomes harder but still..... (That said Pastors shouldn't be "one issue" preachers" either.)
Maybe put out some money to pay for the what-cha-ma-call-it-scan-thing that lets women actually see what is growing inside them. There was a study done saying that when women actually see what they have, a large percentage (like 85% I think it said) stopped what they were doing.
Maybe put out some money to pay for the what-cha-ma-call-it-scan-thing that lets women actually see what is growing inside them. There was a study done saying that when women actually see what they have, a large percentage (like 85% I think it said) stopped what they were doing.

The newest ultrasound technologies are indeed amazing. The amount of resolution obtained by the newer machines allows the Mother & Father to see in great detail the face and other aspects of the child. I believe that I've heard the same things about a large amount of women when seeing the child decided against abortion. Not sure of the exact statistics though.
The newest ultrasound technologies are indeed amazing. The amount of resolution obtained by the newer machines allows the Mother & Father to see in great detail the face and other aspects of the child. I believe that I've heard the same things about a large amount of women when seeing the child decided against abortion. Not sure of the exact statistics though.

Yes indeed; the stats are pretty high, though. Like more than 75%.
Thanks for comments – I feel overwhelmed thinking of all the reasonable reasons we have developed in the 30+ years that the procedure has been legalized – that it is even accepted in the church as and “unhappy” alternative.

Have Politicians Caved on Abortion, as Many Pro-Lifers Say?

No, CHRISTIANS caved; Born-again Christians, from all denominations, have abortions. (Source: James Dobson’s Focus on the Family) American Christians are growing cold — or worse — lukewarm on the issue, just when so many right-to-life organizations are making inroads and winning the hearts and minds of desperate women. May God have mercy on those women who are so desperate, and may HE forgive us who were too busy to help them!

Years ago when right-to-life lobbying efforts were consuming my husband and me, a friend said that he believed abortion was God’s judgment against America. That took a few weeks to sink in. Could God be judging the United States of America?

Well — look at the population figures. We have eliminated more than 45 million potential taxpayers. One good reason Social Security is in trouble is we’ve knocked out an entire generation of contributors!

Pastor Tony Evans from the Urban Alternative linked the America abortion clinic carnage to the slaughter on the streets, in a radio sermon that made my spine tingle. Paraphrase: God says to Americans, “You don’t want the babies? I’m gonna take back the older children!” He went on to connect the exploding numbers of teenage killings with the numbers of abortion.

Abortion is a horrible crime, but how do we stop it? Making speeches and telling people not to do it and showing horrific pictures will not stop abortion. Abortion will stop when we reach people’s hearts!

How can we do that?


If we truly want GOD to end abortion in America and the world, we must pray – as persistently as Christ said the widow bugged the judge. (Luke 18:1-8) Christ wants us to pray and not to lose heart, for “. . . shall not God bring about justice for His elect, who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? I tell you that He will bring about justice for them speedily. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

And we must ask God what we can do, personally, besides prayer. Perhaps we can volunteer in a crisis pregnancy center, or befriend younger girls -- and boys -- in the church, and in our neighborhoods? Perhaps we can give money – give so our gifts genuinely cost us some personal peace and affluence? Ending abortion starts with one person, who will not give up, and will give. And then it continues through many individuals, offering love and compassion to friends, extended family, and extending our hands out into the community -- rather than judgment.

Christians cannot and must not be condemnatory of another’s life. Every soul has a story, and every soul is dead without Christ. Oh, if we could only look into the hearts of others perhaps, we would be slower to judge and quicker to offer prayer and compassion. Our job is introducing -- or reacquainting people with Christ -- We cannot and must not presume that we know their hearts.

Yes, the woman who ends her baby’s life today -- and the man who tacitly or actively supported her choice -- will be held accountable for their actions; both will pay the consequences whether or not they come to repentance and salvation. However, so will we who did not pray! Now,
“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?” (Proverbs 24:11-12)

Pastor Tony Evans from the Urban Alternative linked the America abortion clinic carnage to the slaughter on the streets, in a radio sermon that made my spine tingle. Paraphrase: God says to Americans, “You don’t want the babies? I’m gonna take back the older children!” He went on to connect the exploding numbers of teenage killings with the numbers of abortion.

Actually violent crime is down. Steven Levitt suggests that one of the reasons that violent crime is down is because abortion is killing a lot of would be criminals, although this is highly controversial.
Actually violent crime is down. Steven Levitt suggests that one of the reasons that violent crime is down is because abortion is killing a lot of would be criminals, although this is highly controversial.

Steven Levitt of Freakonomics?
I'd love to see data that demonstrates homicide rates increasing since the legalization of abortion. The data I've seen shows a dramatic decrease. Of course, correlation does not imply causation.

Crime in the United States

Notice the huge decrease in the mid-nineties. Levitt's argument is that this is the time when the first children killed after Roe v. Wade would come of age and begun to commit crimes. The homicide rate has been flat since.
I take it he doesn't factor in the 1 million + babies, not to mention the inform and elderly whose voices may not carry? :(
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