Lesson learned...why trick or treating is bad

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Puritan Board Freshman
We were reminded last night why we don't let our kids participate in trick or treating.

We thought we had it easy because my wife had children's choir last night, but only 3 kids showed up so she decided to come home. After a half dozen kids came to our door we decided to let the kids go to some of the neighbor's houses to get some candy. BIG MISTAKE! Our dear sweet neighbors had the scariest house on the block! We went home, and it took about an hour to settle the kids down, Then our neighbors turned on the scary music in addition to the strobe lights, smoke machine, giant Frankenstein, boiling cauldron, etc etc etc. This could all be seen and heard from the kids bedrooms. On top of that what sane parent allows there child to dress up as vile and demonic creatures and ghouls?
Long story short all the kids ended up in our room, we were up half the night because they were "scared", and we felt like the worst parents in the world for exposing our kids to that.
NEVER again will our kids participate in the "innocent fun" of trick or treating.

Praise God for His great grace!!

[Edited on 1-11-2004 by dkicklig]
Only in Hall county will you find that. ;)

Here in Cherokee they don't do that.

Yeah right. We made our children go upstairs whilst a few tricksters came to our door.

I was scared when I was 6. Walking down my neighborhood street with my mom, dad was working swing shift, we came upon a house that was "spooky" looking with decorations. A man was hanging from an oak tree branch. He had a rope / harness connected under his arm pits, etc. but had tied a break away rope around his neck and the harnessed rope that was around his arm pits, etc. As I walk by him he spreads his arms and legs out and screams at me and a red light flashes on him.

I turn to run but I see my mom 200 yards up the street leaving her only son there by a guy hanging in a tree cracking up. She could have won a gold medal that night.

Been warped since.

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