Kittel's Theological for $99

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D. Paul

Puritan Board Sophomore
Sorry for the repeat but my Q must have been overlooked and it's really important to me to have it answered. Here's my original Q:

Is this a pratical resource for one like myself who knows no Greek? Of what benefit is it for the common layman? I've suggested it to my wife as a gift idea.

Thanks for your help.
I do not know greek, and I find the abridged version useful (new it runs $50, so spend the extra if you get it and get the 10 vols). It is the ultimate "word study" resource. I think to get the most out of it however, a greek background would be best.

It is an extremely useful resource -- knowing Greek is helpful, but probably not necessary. It is not necessary for using the abridged version, I know all the Greek is transliterated in the abridged. You may wish to learn how to at least pronounce Greek words and learn the order of the alphabet (for looking things up), even if you don't learn the language. :scholar: (You should use Machen for this, of course!)

My question is this: Is this set bound nicely, stitched, etc., or is it like the latest Berkhof which is also put out by Eerdmans? My Berkhof requires two clamps for me to keep it open just to read it! :banghead: If the binding is good in the $99 set, I'll get it! (I have the old 9 volume set--incidentally, does anyone know the extent of the revisions between the two?)
Thank you so much. And why ought I not seek to learn Greek anyway? :scholar:
And I have Machen...I just haven't disciplined myself in that direction. :chained: Hmmm...small wonder...
Has anyone received their copy of the $99 Kittel set yet? I'd be interested to hear about the quality of the binding before I order my own copy ;) (I have the old set, but might "upgrade"). Thanks!
I'm not sure. The product isn.t available until 12.26.05 but I don't know if the $ale ends then or not.
Originally posted by StaunchPresbyterian
Has anyone received their copy of the $99 Kittel set yet? I'd be interested to hear about the quality of the binding before I order my own copy ;) (I have the old set, but might "upgrade"). Thanks!

though it was not supposed to be available til 12.26, mine came last week. Got a quick preview before my wife wrapped it up. Quality excellent. Always lays flat; no "creaks" beyond initial opening. A treasure for a lowly guy like myself.
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