Kathleen Battle's Baroque Duet rehearsals

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Puritan Board Junior

I found this series awhile back then forgot to finish it. Apparently someone made a documentary out of the rehearsals leading up to the recording of Wynton Marsalis's and Kathleen Battle's collection of gorgeous Baroque music, back in '92.

This last section is my favorite. It mostly focuses on Kathleen and her interactions with this eccentric vocal coach (Sylvia Olden Lee) who keeps telling her she needs to be HAPPIER when she's praising God. It's just so fun to watch people so talented rehearsing and improving their work.

I wonder if it is hard for vocalists who wave their arms around the way they do when they're recording to remember NOT to do that when performing.

Here is the "finished product" of the aria they spend the most time on, which I think I've posted here before.

Laura that was fantastic, thanks. "You don't have to find God, He's here: look around you: you just have to praise Him!" -- What a beautiful old lady.

(And I *love* this cd: I didn't realise they had the documentary.)
The exhortation to be happier from that charming vocal coach (favorite line: "You don't have to find God: He's here. Praise Him!") reminds me of this exultant performance by Cecilia Bartoli:

I have seen that recording of CB before and it always makes me smile. I like her voice better elsewhere but there is no beating her facial expressions.

Heidi, I love this CD too. I bought it as a treat for myself when M was away for the first time last year, and have very pleasant memories of playing the whole thing through, loudly, engrossed in every moment of it.
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