Just began reading Hugh Martin...WOW!

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Puritan Board Sophomore
My bride picked up "Atonement" from Martin for my birthday. Never knew about this Scottish Presbyterian until she got the book for me. Really good stuff...solid, devotional, Jesus-centered stuff.

I think the publisher of the book (don't have it in front of me) posts on the PB sometimes. Thanks for publishing this book brother!
The Atonement is a really great book. The copy I have is from Reformed Academic Press, but perhaps another house published it before this one was printed.
You'll probably do this now without any recommendation, but it is very worthwhile to pick up his volume of sermons published by Banner of Truth that's called, Christ For Us. If the only sermon in that book were "Precept, Promise and Prayer" it would be worth it. Ditto if the only sermon were "The Eternal Priesthood of Christ and the Father's Oath"
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