How would you translate this?

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Puritan Board Doctor
Got a snippet of Latin from one of Juvenal's satires here. How would you translate it?

Tota licet veteres exornent undique cerae
Atria, nobilitas sola est, atque unica virtus.
When it comes to Latin poetry I will completely defer to the experts... But here are some variations I found.

Though you deck your hall from end to end with ancient waxen images, Virtue is the one and only true nobility.​
Although your whole atria display ancient wax portraits on every side, excellence is the one and only nobility.​
Even though old wax figures adorn the palaces of the great families on all sides, their only and exclusive nobility is virtue.​
You may decorate your entire atrium everywhere with ancient wax portraits, but the one and only nobility is excellence of character.​
Although ancient portraits decorate your whole reception hall on every side, only virtue, nothing else, constitutes nobility.​
You may line your whole hall with waxen busts, but virtue, and virtue alone, remains the one true nobility.​
One author notes: "The veteres…cerae refer to the practice of displaying wax masks of successful ancestors in the foyer of a Roman house; these masks were reminders to the family of their own reputation but moreover to visitors, who would be intimidated and impressed by the family lineage."
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