How to find "Independent" Reformed Churches?

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Puritan Board Graduate
I am trying to compile a list of independent (that is, not affiliated with any denomination) Reformed and/or Presbyterian churches in California, but am having a hard time doing so. Does anyone on the Board have any resources for locating such congregations? It seems that without extensive knowledge of the local area, I won't be able to compile such a list.
Thanks, Clark. I'm aware of FIRE, but I'm looking for non-baptist independent churches. Thanks for the tip about your own church, too!
Seth, will you e-mail me at least once and keep me up to date on your progress? I would love to see whichever list you have now as well - see my own website. [email protected].

I don't know that there are a lot of non-baptist churches of the sort you are looking for, but I would certainly be interested in that information as well.
How can a church be Reformed Presbyterian and also be Independent? Do you mean Reformed Congregational Churches?

There is this: CCCUSA: CCCC USA - The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

They are sort of reformed.

My thoughts exactly,

But anywho have you checked out the soveriegn grace churches? I don't THINK their in any type of denomination,don't quote me on that statement.,but you can find out more about them on their website.
Reformed Heritage Church in San Jose was presbyterian and independent. I heard they were associating with the micro Hanover Presbytery, but I haven't been able to confirm that.
How can a church be Reformed Presbyterian and also be Independent?

It certainly sounds inconsistent, but it does happen. RC Sproul's church is maybe the best known example. I have no resources to help Seth, though.
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