How did the Reformation affect the common man?

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Puritan Board Senior
Any resources and articles pointing to how the typical layman would have been positively affected by the Reformation?
Steven Ozment has written a number of books about the social history of the Reformation. I've read and enjoyed: The Burgermeister's Daughter, Ancestors, Flesh and Spirit.
I wonder if the greatest Reformation influence on the common man was in the sphere of marriage.
Prior to the Reformation celibate priests and nun were held up to be emulated. After the Reformation the Christian marriage was held up as the goal which we should all seek to obtain.
John Piper had a speech where I believe he said we owe a lot of credit to the Calvinists for a lot of our Western ideals and hard-working ethic.
I wonder if the greatest Reformation influence on the common man was in the sphere of marriage.
Prior to the Reformation celibate priests and nun were held up to be emulated. After the Reformation the Christian marriage was held up as the goal which we should all seek to obtain.

I have heard it said of Catholics: they left the "r" out of celebrate.........
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