Help with uploading/sharing sermon recordings

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Puritan Board Doctor
Our church recently began recording our pastor's sermons. I have so far been very pleased to upload them to to share with others. Unfortunately, I feel that there is something lacking in the quality of the uploads. If you can, please listen to a portion of a sermon or two here - Covenant Presbyterian Church sermons.

Do you hear background noise? To me it sounds almost like a droid or something in the background. I am currently using Audacity to convert the WAV files from the recorder to MP3 files. I also am having to compress the files so they will be more manageable when uploading and sharing. What might be causing this background noise? Does anyone here have any suggestions on how to get a better quality upload? Is there another program I should possibly consider using other than Audacity for the conversion? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
What bit rate did you use? The noise is from using a low bit rate to get a higher compression.
I believe it was 2400. This was the highest it would let me use though. There were lower options offered.
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