Gospel of Debt?

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Puritan Board Freshman
I came upon this magazine sitting in my fathers house on the weekend. Needless to say it made me sick to my stomach. Although it is a fairly small publication, I am seeing and hearing more and more of this sillyness everyday. What is most upsetting however how these prosperity preachers are slandering our Lord and distorting the Gospel. This magazine is not for those Christians with weak stomachs. :barfy:

December 2009 | Table of Contents
I thought that the article on the prosperity gospel was bang on, although the title seems to suggest that it's Christianity that is suspect in the crash and not just the prosperity-perversion of the gospel.
The article doesn't support the prosperity gospel. I expected it to, based on your OP, but I found it sobering.
The article doesn't support the prosperity gospel. I expected it to, based on your OP, but I found it sobering.

My concern is that the "world" missrepresents us as Christians being reponsible for the financial crisis. This financial crisis was brought on by the society of overextended debt. However, the small goup of victims from prosperity gosple can only be measured in the $ millions. The financial crisis was spawned by $ trillions of overextended debt leverage.

It is amazing as what qualifies as sound journalism these days. Why an editor of a magazine would even consider running an article linking properity gospel preaching as bringing down the world economy.
I admit I haven't been that aware of how many people are affected by this prosperity gospel nonsense. "Jesus loved money?!?!" :(
I've killed rants against Christianity dead in their tracks based off this article by blasting the prosperity gospel and illustrating how it's not the true Gospel. This article's not the problem - prosperity preaching is.
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