Good books on historic-premil.......

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Puritan Board Doctor
I have thus looked at Amil and Post, but NOT at the "minority" Reformed Historic-Pre, It of course is a different "Animal" than Dispensational-Doodle Premil which really only is developed late with Darby, the older Historic Pre-Mill, goes at least to Early 2nd Century, and WHILE a "minority" position in the Reformed movement (then and now) , it has always had some who held to it as credible. If I am honest. I am not "sure" where I am regarding Eschatology! For the sake of fairness, I would like to read some Reformed views on Historic-Premill. So, If you can rattle of some good stuff I would love to hear it. Blessings my Brethren!:book2:

George Eldon Ladd was one of the best minds on this view of eschatology in the 20th century. Some works to consider:

Historic Premillennialism, though obviously quite old, was reintroduced into mainstream evangelical theology largely by George Ladd. Almost any of the books on the page I'm linking to (at bottom) will include a discussion of the position, as well as Ladd's already/not-yet perspective on eschatology, which is now explicitly used by practically everyone except Dispensationalists.
I am actually old enough to have been a student of George Ladd and took two classes from him in seminary. In addition to his work, you might want the most up-to-date book, A Case for Historic Premillennialism: An Alternative to "Left Behind" Eschatology, Sung Wook Chung (Editor), Craig Blomberg (Editor).
I am actually old enough to have been a student of George Ladd and took two classes from him in seminary. In addition to his work, you might want the most up-to-date book, A Case for Historic Premillennialism: An Alternative to "Left Behind" Eschatology, Sung Wook Chung (Editor), Craig Blomberg (Editor).
You know Dennis I TRIED what might have been Ladd's final book on the subject. It seemed hard to follow, a bit unconnected at times, I think you told me it was not in my head, Ladd was quite ill at that point very bad health and that may have been a factor in the book seeming to slip at points.
I have read the Chung and Blomberg book and it is new and excellent. I am still trying to decide on a viewpoint other than dispensationalism. I have been blogging about it for a year on Millennial Dreams My elder and my cousin argued last January and "left me behind".

Currently I am enjoying a theological novel by Richard P. Belcher called "A Journey in Eschatology" and another PB member are going to blog about this book. Belcher writes in the Preface that "there are few theological subjects, which stir as much tension and animosiy, when believers disagree with one another, than the subject of eschatology!"
I am so glad I read this thread earlier today. I just finished taking a Bible and Theology Knowledge Assessment test in preparation for freshman orientation tomorrow. One of the questions was, "Which millennial view did George Ladd espouse?"

Before today I had never heard of the guy.

PB to the rescue
Hold on. You're telling me that there is a good book on premillenialism?
Ben. NOT Scofield/Left Behind" Pre-Mil! This is Historic Pre-Mil, going back we know at least to the 2nd Century. It is a totally 'nother animal!(-: We can see elements of it in Polycarp for example.:book2:
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